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40 Years Ago: The Buena Park Drive-In

April 30th, 2010 by ccrouch

This past week marked the fortieth anniversary of the Buena Park Drive-In. Opened by Pacific Theatres, on April 24, 1970, the Buena Park was located adjacent to the smaller and older Lincoln Drive-In (formerly known as the Cina-Car Drive-In), but the two drive-ins were operated separately until the mid 80’s. Around 1985, the Lincoln was formally merged with the Buena Park and the site became a three screen, with 1,234 spaces.

As with most ozoners, rising property values and declining attendance eventually resulted in the drive-In’s land being worth more than the business. After closing in the summer of 1993, the site was quickly leveled and sold for redevelopment. Today, the former drive-in is a middle class neighborhood, located down the street from Cypress college, on Lincoln Avenue.

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