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A Mirrored Beginning and Ending

June 27th, 2010 by ccrouch

This coming week marks the anniversaries of two county drive-ins; the 55th, for Westminster’s Hi-Way 39 Drive-In, and the 50th for Santa Ana’s Harbor Drive-In. Both were opened by Pacific Theatres, on June 29th, but separated by five years (Hi-Way 39 in 1955 and the Harbor in 1960).  As with their county peers, each is now long gone and redeveloped; the Harbor closing in 1986 and the Hi-Way 39 in 1997. 
Holding to their mirrored histories, even in the afterlife, the Hi-Way 39 was torn down ten years, to the month, that the Harbor was razed; both sites cleared for Walmarts. 

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