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Forgotten Americana: Photo Development Kiosks

February 26th, 2010 by ccrouch

Today’s photos are of an abandoned photo development kiosk that formerly stood at the Brea Plaza shopping center (home of the Brea Plaza 5 theatre). A bit off topic, but loosely associated with mall multiplex culture and a worthwhile reflection, none the less.

Brea Photo Kiosk   Brea Photo Kiosk Back    

If you are old enough to have pre 1990’s memories, you likely recall the multitude of drive-thru photo development businesses that once inhabited shopping center parking lots nationwide. The most common brand being Fotomat, which dominated the “one day photo” business from the mid 1960’s through the late 80’s (peaking at 4,000 locations, in 1980). One of the many digital age casualties, these businesses became obsolete with the advent of digital photography and instant photo access; nearly all of the kiosks being torn down or converted to alternative uses, such as locksmiths and flower sales stands. The Brea kiosk, depicted above, had sat vacant for a considerable time, before being razed as part of the plaza’s recent remodeling.

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