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Fade Out: The Pierside Pavilion 6

March 16th, 2011 by ccrouch

Huntington Beach’s Pierside Pavilion 6 is officially off the market. After sitting vacant, since 2008, the theatre was converted into 33,049 square feet of office and restaurant space this past December.  
Opened in May of 1991, the Pierside was operated by Mann (twice), Edwards, and The Movie Experience at varying times; none managing to make a successful go of it. Perhaps, a victim of too good a location, the theatre was never able to compete with the many draws of downtown Huntington Beach and the city’s famous coastline (literally, located across the street).
Seems like a likely candidate for a “forgotten cinema” post in the near future. But, for now, we can remember this pleasant little theatre through some pictures I took during a 2009 walk through.

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